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ISBN: 9780761919797


ISBN: 9780761919803

Lana F. Rakow &

Laura A. Wackwitz

Available Now
from Sage


Feminist Communiation Theory

In Feminist Communication Theory, Lana Rakow and Laura Wackwitz propose a constellation of three concepts as central to understanding communication: difference—voice—representation. The book explores these interelated dimensions through original contributions from the authors/editors juxtaposed with a selection of feminist voices from across a variety of perspectives and disciplines.


Chapter Authors: Paula Gunn Allen, Leslie Bow, Catherine M. Boyle, Marilyn Frye, Diane Glancy, Luce Irigarary, Teresa de Lauretis, Maria C. Lugones, Linda McCarriston, Patricia McFadden, Leith Mullings, Anastasia Posadskaya, Lana F. Rakow, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan, Anita Silvers, Laura A. Wackwitz, Michelle Wallace, Elizabeth Waters 


Difference Chapters: Difference in Feminist Communication Theory | Who is Your Mother? Red Roots of White Feminism | The Necessity of Differences: Constructing a Positive Category of Women | Reconciling Equality to Difference: Caring (F)or Justice for People with Disabilities | Becoming Post Colonial: African Women Changing the Meaning of Citizenship | On the Logic of Pluralist Feminism


Voice Chapters: Voice in Feminist Communication Theory | "The Grace of Form": Class Consciousness and an American Writer | "For Every Gesture of Loyalty, There Doesn't Have to be a Betrayl": Asian American Criticism and the Politics of Locality | Speaking the Corn into Being | Touching the Air: The Cultural Force of Women in Chile | Love of the Other


Representation Chapters: Representation in Feminist Communication Theory | Real and Imagined Women: Politics and/of Representation | Negative Images: Towards a Black Feminist Cultural Criticism | The Technology of Gender | Images, Ideology, and Women of Color | Democracy Without Women is No Democracy: Women's Struggles in Postcommunist Russia


Audience: Scholars and students exploring dimensions of communication theory developed outside the margins of traditional communication scholarship. This book is appropriate for use in graduate and undergraduate courses in communication and media as well as the wide variety of programs emphasizing the relationship among diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and accessibility.

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