Academic Books
​Feminist Communication Theory "will be useful to scholars for their own thinking, to the communication field, to academic feminists desperate for good material to use in upper level undergraduate and introductory graduate courses in communication; and (should they be willing to read outside their cannon) to all who teach such courses."
Anita Taylor, Women and Language, 28(2).
Journal Articles
Wackwitz, L. (2003). Verifying the myth: Olympic sex testing and the category “woman.” Women’s Studies International Forum, 26(6), 553–560.
Wackwitz, L. (2002). Burger on Miller: Obscene effects and the filth of a nation. Journal of Communication, 52(1), 196–210.
"Overall, this article's seminal importance rests in its discussion of naturalization arguments as used to justify harmful sporting practices. Ultimately, Wackwitz challenges the perceived notion that sex testing was reinforcing "natural" sex-gender divisions."
Carly Adams, article review, Olympika, XIII
An analysis of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger's opinions in the Miller cases, arguing that the Court majority unproblematically adopted a transmission model of communication. [Earlier version awarded Top 3 Paper status by the Communication and Law Interest Group, Western States Communication Association, Vancouver, B.C.]
To promote national security and sound decision making among strategic leaders, JPME institutions must embrace students as "warrior-scholars in the making." Failure to do so not only fails Senior Service College graduates, it fails the nation.
Re-visioning writing and writing integrity as essential, teachable components of a "rededicated intellectual era in which empowered senior leaders aggressively pursue original thought as the only viable and enduring foundation for national security" (p. 62).
Wackwitz, L. (2001). Ruled by passion, governed by reason: First Amendment hierarchies within a Cartesian frame. Free Speech Yearbook, 39, 97–111.
Wackwitz, L. (1996). Sex testing in international women's athletics: A history of silence. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 5(1), 51–68.
DOI: 10.1123/wspaj.5.1.51
Textual analysis of U.S. Supreme Court opinions that privilege mind over body, reason over passion. [An Earlier version awarded Top 3 Paper status by the Freedom of Expression Commission, National Communication Association, Seattle, WA]
A brief history of sex testing as portrayed in the popular press from 1966 to 1995. [This article was the basis for my NPR interview for Scott Simon: "Analysis: International Volleyball Group to End Gender Tests." Weekend Edition Saturday, January 31, 2004.]
Book Chapters
​Creedon, P., Wackwitz, L. (Chapter 1). Title IX to NIL: Equality and equity. DOI: 10.4324/9781003474791-3
Wackwitz, L. (Chapter 11). The deep three: Athletes, coaching, and (the abuse of) power.
Wackwitz, L. (Chapter 2) Social media and misogyny: A perilous landscape. DOI: 10.4324/9781003316190-3
Creedon, P., Wackwitz, L., & Andsager, J. (Chapter 4). Misogyny in academia: The irreparable harm of institutional abuse. DOI: 10.4324/9781003316190-6
Rakow, L., & Wackwitz, L. (Chapter 12). Unraveling diversity, equity and inclusion: The role for feminists and media in making progress last. DOI: 10.4324/9781003316190-15
Wackwitz, L., & Rakow, L. (2006). Got theory? In P. J. Creedon & J. Cramer (Eds.) Women in Mass Communication (3rd ed., pp. 257-271). Sage. DOI: 10.4135/9781452233017.n21
Wackwitz, L., & Rakow, L. (pp. 1–10). Feminist communication theory: An introduction.
Rakow, L., & Wackwitz, L. (pp. 13–27). Difference in feminist communication theory.
Rakow, L., & Wackwitz, L. (pp. 93–109). Voice in feminist communication theory.
Rakow, L., & Wackwitz, L. (pp. 171–186). Representation in feminist communication theory.
Rakow, L., & Wackwitz, L. (1998). Communication of sexism. In M. Hecht (Ed.) Communication of Prejudice (pp. 99–111). Sage. DOI: 10.4135/9781483328263.n5