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Rakow, L., Wackwitz, L., et al. (Roundtable discussion). Scoping the health of feminist scholarship in communication.

National Communication Association 91st Annual Convention, Boston, MA.

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper: "Top 4"). Sexuality and the cultural criticism of the United States Supreme Court.

National Communication Association 90th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

Wackwitz, L. (Invited presentation). Documentary video production for community activism.

The Cornerstone System of Care Initiative, Denver, CO.

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper). Verifying the myth: Olympic sex testing and the category “woman".

National Communication Association 88th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper). Voices of an anti–erotic nationalism: Supreme Court discourse and the restriction of

sexually explicit expression. 88th National Communication Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper: "Top 3"). Ruled by passion, governed by reason: First Amendment hierarchies within a

Cartesian frame. National Communication Association 86th Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper: "Top 3"). Assumptions about mass communication theory in the language of the law:

Toward an epistemological shift in the critique of Supreme Court discourse. Western States Communication Association 75th Annual Convention, Vancouver, B.C.  

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper). Playing the “Gender Game”.

Speech Communication Association 81st Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper). Defining the female through sex testing: Physical reality or social reality?

International Communication Association 45th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper). Theatre and argument: Bridging the gap through interaction.

Central States Communication Association 64th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

Schroll, C. & Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper). “In order to survive:” Reading Deliverance as an allegory for Vietnam.

Central States Communication Association 64th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

Wackwitz, L. (Competitive paper). The path through the portal of myth: Images and structures of domination and liberation.

Speech Communication Association 80th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.


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